New Year, New Layout

I decided to change the layout of my blog.  I like the bold, bright colors and the fact that the font is smaller than the last layout.  I don’t think that the age of my readers is 70-85, so I didn’t think it was really necessary to have a 42 font size as the default.  Let me know what you think!

Also, I think the recipe section of my blog has kind of fallen to the wayside (sometimes I have to Google words before I use them), but I’ll be dedicating a little more time to it so that I can add some nutrition facts, more photos (if I have them), and finish adding some more recipes.

A goal I have this year is to try at least 2 new recipes a month, so hopefully there will be more coming soon!  If the recipes aren’t worthwhile, I won’t post them, but I try to make sure I read reviews before I make anything to avoid wasting time on a potentially crappy dish.

What Will You Resolve?

In a few days, we’ll be ringing in the new year and believe it or not, it’ll be 2012.

TWO THOUSAND AND TWELVE. Really?  Time has really flown since I graduated college, but I’m really excited for what the new year will bring.  I know some things may pass me by, so I’m going to try and enjoy every moment this year.

I try not to make new year resolutions mostly because I don’t want to disappoint myself.  I think many people create unrealistic goals for themselves, like going to the gym 5 days a week or losing 20 pounds in a month.  I’ve changed many things about myself and my lifestyle this year, so why not do something different and set a few resolutions for myself this year?

  • Eat less, enjoy more
  • Run at least 2X a week, a 30 minute or less 5K
  • Run a 5-miler by the end of the year
  • Complete my 365 photography project
  • Try two new recipes a month

What do you resolve to do more (or less) of in 2012?